
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Consistent Content Creation with Demian Ross
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
This dude has been the picture of consistency for the last (as of this publishing) 587 days in-a-row!! He has recorded and published a video EVERY. Single. Day. Can you imagine doing anything that consistently?!
He has a lot going on, and we have a ton to learn from him in terms of content development. Plus, he's hilarious... we just might make you laugh more on this episode than on any other one!
Our guest...
Demian Ross - Demian was with us on Episode 21 - on being a Digital Nomad
Road to 1,000 - Rootless Lifestyle - Plan D
Demian is currently a Digital Nomad, and has been traveling the country in a 42-foot fifth wheel since June of 2017... and has logged more than 40,000+ miles.
When he started this road trip he was working at Social Media Examiner as part of the sales team for Social Media Marketing World, and decided he needed a creative outlet... So he came up with an idea to record 300 videos in 365 days. He called the series "ROAD TO 300"… And after recording 300 videos in a row he decided to stretch the series to the "ROAD TO 1000" and is was on DAY 583 in a row when we recorded this show.
Since the last time he was with us, Demian started a lifestyle brand called ROOTLESS LIVING with the goal to help teach and inspire people to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle. He also has a podcast called PLAN D where he talks about his struggles to start a company while living on the road.
He's also the proud father of 4 adult humans.
Do "subs" matter? Why do we care about vanity metrics? How can you be so consistent on one platform, and not on others? He is doing a lot, and has so much more in store. If you aren't motivated by this show, we will be shocked. Get ready to learn AND laugh.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 42 -- and if you're so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW.
:: This episode is sponsored by both Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful -
and by the Inside Events Podcast (check it if you do any work in events!) :::

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Marketing a Small, Local Business with Christine Gritmon
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
This short episode (#41), recorded live on Facebook, gives us quick and easy info to soak in regarding marketing small local businesses. Sometimes these businesses need a little help, but they don't have hearty budgets, so that's where Christine comes in in her community!
Our guest...
- Christine Gritmon
Christine’s a Social Media Strategist, Coach, and Entrepreneur
She is teaching busy, stressed small business owners how to tell their brand stories online in efficient, effective ways that value their time, energy, and money. Christine’s also an international speaker, a livestreamer, and a LinkedIn Local host.
Wife/mom. Foodie. Rockland County enthusiast.
We always say this on the short shows, but we truly packed a TON of great tips and info in this 30-minute show! If you're a small, local business wondering about what to focus on, if reviews matter, and more -- be sure to listen (or share with your entrepreneur friends). Christine will be offering some valuable online classes in the future, so be sure to follow her on Twitter to get the 4-1-1 on that when she launches.
If you'd like to see it on video, check it out - https://youtu.be/k1n9Y2rlNao
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 41 -- and if you're so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW.
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Marketing a Podcast & How to Get Started with Erik Fisher
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Marketing a Podcast is key to growing your show's visibility, like any product you're bringing to market. Episode 40 explores how to market a podcast for beginners and those who have been doing it a while. How you market will vary depending on your niche, your success, your whatever... for sure many of us can do a better job at it! Even our guest with 22,000 downloads per episode (WHAT??) admits he can do a better job.
Our guest...
- Erik Fisher
Erik's been the Social Media Manager at Social Media Examiner for the last five years (boss to co-host Jen Cole!).
ALSO - very important to the topic of this show -- he's been the Productivity Producer & Host of the Beyond The To-Do List podcast since 2012.
We explore how Erik got stared, his journey, how he markets his podcast (or doesn't), his suggestions for getting started, and more. Even if you have no interest in starting a podcast (which soooo many people have told us they are!), it's worth a listen to explore how it all works. So many insights!
Plus, per usual, you'll have a laugh with us. Oh, and happy #InternationalPodcastersDay :)
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out Episode 40. And we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW -- & get each episode when it drops!
::: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Messenger Marketing Magic with Carrie Gottschalk
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
We broadcasted this live show on Facebook from an outdoor patio at The Fairmont Hotel in Austin! Episode 39 came to life at the ManyChat Conversations Conference, with a very special guest. We were fortunate enough to snag conference speaker Carrie Gottschalk for a quick LIVE show after she spoke at Agency Day at the conference. Carrie is a pro at Messenger Marketing, and she shares the different ways she’s using it for her clients from e-Commerce to events.
Our guest...
- Carrie Gottschalk - COO & Co-Founder of Bot Hero's / Social Media Marketing Specialist, Consultant, & Public Speaker
Carrie calls Denver home, but finds herself all over the world, based on her skill at finding incredible flight deals (she shares this on the show). Carrie is a highly recognized influencer within the social media industry and has been at the forefront of the social media revolution for 10 years, paid social media for 5 years, and has managed over 12 million dollars in ad-spend -- working with large clients Shari's Berries, Wyndham Hotels, and TEDxMileHigh. With her extensive experience in domestic and international markets, she's known as a skilled social media strategist and advertiser.
Clipomatic is Carrie Gottschalk's tool of choice these days! And Carrie's ManyChat discount code is OneMonthPro - use it if you're interested in learning how to create chat bots in ManyChat.
We had some paparazzi with us on this one, and they snapped some great pics (and risked their lives, as you'll hear). You can also watch the video on YouTube if you'd like to see us in action - http://bit.ly/MaMEp39_YT.
We did the show impromptu, without great audio gear, so please forgive us this one! Thank you.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep. 39 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW & get each episode when it drops!
::: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Season Two Reunion Show, Part 2 - Season 3 Kick-Off
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
We're stoked to share the second part of our Season 3 kick-off reunion show(s)! With each season we learn, and we're thrilled with the amazing guests who join us on the podcast! Episode 38 continues to remind us why Season 2 was epic... with a visit from NINE more of our guests (that's a total of 18 over two shows if you're keeping score at home).
Check out another speed-round of catching up with our guests, and learning more from them. From thoughts about influencer marketing, to looking at marketing in a different way, we cover a lot.
- Rachel Stephan is the senior event marketing strategist/influencer with Snoball.events - an event influencer marketing tool (and Sensov Marketing). She was on Ep.29 - Influencer Marketing in Events. Influencer marketing can be a bit misunderstood and there's a ton of opportunity in the meetings and events space -- Rachel & Mariska are working in this space every day.
- Mariska Kesteloo is the founder of Word of Mice. She was also on Ep.29 - Influencer Marketing in Events with Rachel and Tamar Beck.
- Dahlia ElGazzar is the coffee-fueled founder of Dahlia Plus - she was on Ep. 33 - Is Marketing More About Bandwidth or Brain Width? Dahlia's team works with corporations and associations in unique ways to help them market themselves, teach their attendees, work with sponsors - you name it!
- Tahira Endean is head of events with SITE Global - she was on Ep. 30 - Transformative Events. Tahira looks at things from a unique perspective, and is just the right person to be heading up events for the world's largest incentive travel organization.
- Emma Parston is a partner with ConnectSeven Group - she was also on Ep. 30 - Transformative Events. Emma "walks the walk" in terms of transforming events from "normal" to exceptional, and she shares with us how it doesn't have to be BIG change.
- Christy Lamagna is the CEO and Master Stratgist with Strategic Meetings & Events - she was on Ep. 32 - Marketing's Role in Incentivizing Performance. While Christy has been well known as a strategist (and great writer) in the space, she is now looking at all of that strategy being able to be applied towards LIFE. She shares her latest endeavor with us.
- Jessika Phillips, Founder of NOW Marketing Group - she was on Ep. 34 - Relationship Marketing - Be a Magnet, Not a Megaphone. Jessika is a magnet for everyone who meets her, and you'll be reminded why! (...and you'll likely listen to 34 if you haven't just yet)
- Michael Cuschieiri the managing director of MC Square Marketing - he was on Ep. 36 - Build Relationships to Build Business. Michael is based in the UK, and understands that the best business comes from face-to-face encounters... and sometimes you need to pivot.
- Bella Vasta - Jump Consulting - she was on Ep.35 - Marketing Magic - Grasping Facebook Groups. Bella is a rockstar coach to her pet business clients. She's sharing all of the wisdom that is helping her mastermind groups (and Facebook Groups) successfully build community... and she's sharing it with the world through speaking on some incredible stages.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.38 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes --https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each episode when it drops!ill
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Season Two Reunion Show, Part 1 - Season 3 Kick-Off
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
This episode kicks-off Season 3 with a bang! Season two was an incredibly thoughtful and thought-provoking journey, and Episode 37 reminds us why with a visit from NINE of our guests.
Our guests are SMART and can have a laugh. Once again, this reunion is a two-parter, and another speed-round of catching up with our guests and learning more from them. No question you’ll want to listen back to season two after hearing from all of these smart folks.
- Azriel Ratz of Ratz Pack Media - find him on Facebook as Ratz Pack Media
--he was on Ep. 27 talking about paid ads on FB - he is the “King of FB ads” - Amanda Robinson is the Digital Gal. The best place to find her is on Facebook as The Digital Gal. She is an FB ads expert, and we had her on to chat about her embarkation into the Digital Nomad world on Ep. 21.
- Ben Roberts - his Website is Ben-M-Roberts.com, and he’s on the twitter as @Roberts_Ben_M. Sir Ben also has his own podcast called The Marketing Buzzword podcast. Ben was on Ep. 28 where we chatted about freelance marketing & building your personal brand.
- Ilo Neukam is the founder and Marketing Strategist of a non-agency called The Collective SD, and she was on Ep. 22 talking about non-agency life. Her company is unique--she has a bench of people she can count on to collaborate with to serve her clients.
- Kelly Noble Mirabella is THE bot-babe who has a YouTube channel called Baby Got Bot where she provides the absolute best videos on how to develop chat bots using Many Chat. Kelly was on Ep. 23 talking about CHATBOTS -- their emergence and use in our digital marketing.
- Stephanie Liu knows it all with regards to marketing, and is a Facebook Live Strategist in particular. We had her on Ep. 24 where we dove into livestreaming, while livestreaming. She has a free group on FB called Social Media Strategists & a show called Lights, Camera, Live, among a million other things. She’s a video P.R.O.
- Demian Ross has remarkably recorded and published more than 500 videos (as this is posted) in-a-row! The show is called “Road to 1,000,” as that is the goal. He could def do a show with us on video (and likely will!), but he was on Ep. 21 talking about the "Digital Nomad" life. He also has since launched an apparel co. called Rootless, and a podcast called Plan D!
- Michaela Alexis is a LinkedIn expert and she was on Ep. 25 talking about just that! She will be speaking at LinkedInGlobal, she’s a part of a docu-series coming out on Amazon Prime called The Social Movement, and is also about to launch a LinkedIn Pages course called Profit with Pages.
- Kendra Losee is the Founder and CMO Fueled Marketing and Mota Marketing… She works in the cannabis marketing space with Mota, and that’s what we discussed on Ep. 26!
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.37 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes --https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each episode when it drops!ill
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Build Relationships to Build Your Business with Michael Cuschieiri
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
First of all, if you know this man… straight-away you're likely to learn something new on episode 36! Do you REALLY know how to pronounce his last name? I don’t think so! It was news to me.
Our guest...
- Michael Cuschieri of mc2 Marketing
Michael is the Managing Director of mc square marketing, a marketing agency he established in 2004, to help businesses stand out from their competition through creative marketing ideas that deliver results.
His other passion is getting results from building strong business relationships with people and has been a fully active member in BNI for 15 years, 9 years of these also as a Director Consultant.
As an international speaker, he delivers conferences, business development workshops and seminars across the UK, Dublin, Singapore and Malta.
This approach to building business via relationships is unlike our past conversations. Do you put an emphasis on trusting the process in building relationships that lead to business over time? Taking the time to do this authentically will lead to strong business connections… and friendships.
Check out the last episode of season 2! Episode 36 will not disappoint, and will leave you looking forward to the start of Season 3 in August.
Check out this quick show with industry friend COOSH...
We recorded this one live on Facebook, so you can also watch us do the show - http://bit.ly/MaMEp36_YT.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.36 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW & get each episode when it drops!ill
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Marketing Magic - Grasping Facebook Groups with Bella Vasta
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Not only is Bella a *firecracker* who drops a TON of knowledge bombs on us in this episode, but she also gives stacks of shout-outs to people in the industry who are doing it RIGHT.
Our guest...
- Bella Vasta
Bella Vasta is the driving force behind the one-woman coaching company, Jump Consulting. She has coached pet sitting businesses since 2007, and has published some of the most comprehensive research on relevant industry topics. Bella won the National Pet Sitting Business of the Year award by 25, built and sold her first company by 30, and her second company by 34. She sold her pet sitting business, and now lives out her passion for being a mom and wife, while using her business experience to inspire, motivate, and challenge business owners through coaching, consulting, and speaking.
Bella also just hit a huge milestone with her OWN podcast - Bella in Your Business - 150 episodes -- HUGE accomplishment!
The way she looks at Facebook Groups is different than you might. And her skill at carrying a metaphor throughout the bulk of this episode is UNMATCHED! It's unlikely you'll think of Facebook Groups the same again.
While co-host Jen Cole commented in the chat while recording this episode "totally felt like a chill out sesh," we guarantee you will learn and laugh. No question!
If Pet Marketing is your thing, this show is for you too, as we start out talking about her evolution as a successful business owner in that space… and she's a resource for you (still) if you want to join her Mastermind to help you improve your business.
Be sure to listen through to the end to learn what tech/gadgets/apps she’s recommending these days. Grab yourself a beverage and *hold on* for episode 35, as it's our second to last show in Season 2 & it moves fast!
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.35 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes --https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Thursday May 23, 2019
Relationship Marketing - Be a Magnet, not a Megaphone with Jessika Phillips
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
As I listened back to Ep. 34 I kept writing down nugget quotes from our guest Jessika Phillips!
You'll have to listen to hear most of them, but one that stood out to me is this:
"It's not selling, it's serving"
Our guest...
- Jessika Phillips lives in Lima, Ohio, and is Founder & president of NOW Marketing Group - advocates of relationship marketing.
Jessika's mission is to help people love more, give more, and do more through relationship marketing. She's a fantastic speaker, and after getting some coaching herself, she is now offering to coach other entrepreneurs.
She's also the host of Social Media Week Lima -- one of the Midwest's largest social media conferences happening June 18-19… There's an incredible speaker line-up of marketers who will provide a "Craveable" experience.
Relationship marketing and relationship sales are very closely tied, and the crux of it is that we all have a sense of belonging, and connecting with people who are similar is something we all desire. We talk about this, in addition to what coaching can do for your self & career, and about Social Media Week Lima 2019!
Check out this quick show, chock-full of GOOD stuff.
We recorded this one live on Facebook, so you can also watch us do the show - http://bit.ly/MamEp34_YT.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.34 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Thursday May 02, 2019
Is Marketing about Bandwidth or Brain Width? With Dahlia El Gazzar
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
On Episode 33 our guest Dahlia El Gazzar shares her unique perspective based on the work her team does with event organizers.
Our guest...
- Dahlia El Gazzar - Founder of Dahlia+Agency
Dahlia has an OMG-attitude about all things tech and audience engagement solutions. With more than a decade of experience in the meetings and events sector, working on both the professional planning side and as an association collaborator, Dahlia is known as the coffee-fueled "go-to" source for trend-setting solutions, tech news, and social media expertise.
Her mission is to untether the busy professional from their desktop and office, and enable them to be more efficient and productive working from a beach in Mexico [umbrella drink in hand] through their mobile device utilizing smart solutions and apps.
Some shows are simultaneously hard to describe, and at the same time we could go on and on… this is one of those. Dahlia and Megan, along with the viewers, share so many marketing insights and tips on this one in 31-short minutes.
"It's less about bandwidth and more about brain width..." is just one nugget of a quote from Dahlia when asked why many event organizers still haven't fully embraced social media. She also says "it's not their fault."
Give this quick one a listen - we promise you’ll learn something no matter your level of expertise (always our goal, by the way)!
We recorded this one live on Facebook, so you can also watch us do the show - http://bit.ly/ep33vidYT
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check Ep.33 out -- and we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW & get each episode when it drops!
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::