
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Exploring “Non-Agency” Life -- Venturing Out is Worth It with Ilo Neukam
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Traditional marketing and advertising agencies are not going away, but things are absolutely changing. Whether you're already a soloprenuer or someone who has aspirations to have your own business, you'll find this episode really valuable.
Our guest...
- Ilo Neukam - of The Collective SD -- Founder, Marketing Strategist
Having worked both in-house and on the agency side, Ilo understands what it takes to bring a project in on time, on budget and most importantly, on strategy. She's proud to have worked with and for an array of brands including, ABC, Applebee’s, TGI Friday’s, Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings, Tilted Kilt, the Liberace Estate and Buzztime.
Going out on your own and starting a business is no small feat. Having worked for corporations and agencies, Ilo and her business partner Heather knew things were changing in agency life… and they thought they had a better way.
Sourcing local talent to execute the work for their clients, rather than having the traditional agency set-up with the overhead that comes with it, is what The Collective SD is about. Ilo is one smart cookie, and we know you will learn from her on this one!
Tune in to learn about the why and how of an "anti-agency.”"
It’s a quick listen (or watch if you want to check out the video) -- please share it!
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep. 22 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW.
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Being a Digital Nomad -- What is it & How Can You be One?
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
We're no longer tethered to a desk with all of the technology available to us these days, right? Some employers have been slower to the mark with this, but many “workers” are moving to being “Digital Nomads,” which is what we dig into with episode 21!
There are many factors, from the tools you use, to how to set yourself up for success with scheduling and other elements. Our two guests are opposites in many ways, and they’re different experiences and insights make this a must-listen-to show.
Entrepreneur magazine wrote-up a great article about the nomad life - check it out: http://bit.ly/ep21entrarticle.
- Demain Ross
Demian is a sales and marketing professional with 20+ years sales and marketing experience, specializing in digital media, social engagement, public outreach and creating quality content. Right now he works full-time in business development for Social Media Examiner. And he’s living in an RV (NOT a motorhome, as he is quick to point out!).
Check out his “Road to 300” - https://www.youtube.com/demianross - Amanda Robinson
Owner of Social Savvy Society - Digital marketing services and strategy. From Facebook ads and chat bots, to social media content strategy, she will help you increase your digital footprint. She’s making business life easier for the less digitally savvy for small biz & real estate. And she is just embarking on her digital nomad journey.
Here are links to a few great tools shared on the show:
These two are engaging and FUN (so many laughs), and we know you'll dig it.
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep. 21 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW.
:: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Harassment (Online & Offline) -- Speaking Up
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
In Episode 20 we take a little departure from the normal topics of social media marketing or events. On this Facebook live show we speak with Kristy Gillentine. Kristy lives in Houston, and is VP of Public Engagement with Drive West Communications.
And she is one brave soul. She had the nerve to tell just one person about harassment she was experiencing, and what came from that is something she never expected… that person also experienced it, along with three dozen women (who have spoken up so far).
It’s an important topic. Any harassment -- online or otherwise -- shouldn’t be tolerated, and the only way to stop it or put it at bay is to keep it as part of the conversation.
It’s a quick listen (or watch if you want to check out the video) -- please share it!
Here are some resources to help you recognize what harassment is, and ways you can get help.
- Kristy’s story - http://bit.ly/ep20Link1
- Ten different types of harassment to watch out for - http://bit.ly/ep20Link2
- Volunteer organization working to halt online abuse - http://bit.ly/Ep20lin3WHOA
- How do you recognize harassment? http://bit.ly/ep20Link4
Thank you, Kristy. We wish you all the best on this journey--you’ve helped so many people!
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.29 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Season One Reunion Show, Part 2 (Marketing Events) - (Season Two Kick-Off)
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
This second part of our season two kick-off is a REUNION full of rockstar event professionals! A whirlwind of super smart people giving us nuggets of information, and a reason to listen back (or listen) to their past episodes. It’s the perfect way to start a new season after a summer break. Much has changed since we spoke last, and we get some new perspectives from each of them.
Here’s how the groups rolled out on this one...
These three are cutting-edge #eventtech pros
Ep. 7 - Marketing a Start-Up: Scott Vitale and Rachel Stephan
Ep. 13 - Creating & Amplifying Thought Leadership: Mary Ann Pierce
We spoke about changes in their marketing approaches, the integrated tech stack (geek-out, right?), and what their social media focuses are within their businesses. Great insights!
Experiential events / peer-to-peer learning / facilitation
Ep. 6 - Marketing a Different Kind of Event: Liz Lathan and Nicole Osibodu
Ep. 8 - Speaker. Podcaster. Marketer.: Thom Singer
Ep.10 - What is Inbound Marketing, Anyway?: Will Curran
Times have really changed in terms of the expectations of our attendees, and peer-to-peer learning and facilitation is more and more prevalent. These guests know first-hand how things are evolving, and offer some enlightening perspectives.
Using Marketing for Your Crisis Communications
Ep. 5 - Marketers on Event Marketing: Alex Plaxen and Nick Borelli
Ep. 9 - Exhibiting as Part of Your Marketing Strategy: Danalynne Menegus
Wow, do we get some great nuggets from these three, as things have really changed in the world of events with regard to crisis management. Or have they? They really should, and we explore this VERY important issue and how it relates to marketing in particular!
Revisiting with these folks was fresh and amazing! We hope you enjoy this second hour of our REUNION… Be sure to go back and listen to season one, and stay with us moving forward. So much great content coming your way for the rest of season two! Subscribe to the show on iTunes so you get every episode as soon as it drops.
Check out Part 1 of this reunion: http://bit.ly/ep18mam - Social Marketing Chat (mostly!)
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.19 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Monday Aug 13, 2018
Season One Reunion Show, Part 1 (Getting Social) - (Season Two Kick-Off)
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
This episode kicks-off Season Two with a bang! Season One was so full of great guests and tons of high-quality information that we decided to have a REUNION of as many of our season one guests as possible. What this means is, this is a two-parter. It was a whirlwind of welcoming guests in and out -- for sure you’ll want to listen back to season one after hearing this!
Customer Service & Reputation Management via Social (Ep. 1) with Kylene Kaelin
Things have changed in the past year - Customers are now reaching out much more via FB Messenger! We revisit this important topic.
Building Community (Ep. 2) with Brian Fanzo
“Community is the future of business.” BOOM! Brian shares more knowledge bombs with us -- always a great guest. Events are missing the mark now, but opportunities to connect face-to-face is what the newer generations crave.
Live Streaming - Use Video to Amplify Your Message (Ep. 16) with Kelly Noble Mirabella
Number one message: if you’re going to broadcast, do it consistently! We revisit this important, HOT topic.
Digital Marketing - Strategies for Building your Business and Brand (Ep.11) - Amanda Robinson and Kiki L’italien
These two were on one of our most popular episodes of season one. If you need some tips for your business, be sure to check it out.
Learn How to “Twitter Smarter” with top Twitter Pro (Ep.4) - Madalyn Sklar
Always a fountain of great information, we asked Madalyn what she thinks the biggest opportunity is for Twitter right now. Listen to hear her answer!
Using Pinterest - Drive Traffic to Your Business (Ep.15) with Jeff Sieh & Cara Chace
We learned how crazy good Pinterest is for driving business, and we learned some more nuggets in our brief time with them on this reunion show.
We hope you enjoy this first half our our REUNION, and that it sparks you to listen to Season one! Subscribe to the show on iTunes so you get every episode as soon as it drops.
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.18 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is sponsored by Powers of Marketing - your communication should be strategic and POWERful :::

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Human Marketing - Remember WHO We Are Marketing to (Season One finisher!)
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
HUMAN Marketing = The perfect topic for Episode 17 - our final episode of Season 1! Join host Megan Powers and co-hosts Jen Cole and Elizabeth Glau on this illuminative episode.
We don’t do business with businesses. We do business with people. Always keeping the HUMAN element in everything we do is crucial to success, and these two have made a living of helping brands, agencies, entrepreneurs, and more, leverage the human element.
Our stellar guests on this episode...
Bryan and Courtney Kramer
- Bryan Kramer
Co-Founder, President/CEO - PureMatter
Bryan is a Social Business Strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of PureMatter in Silicon Valley. His first book, “There is no B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human #H2H” reached the Top 1% of business books its first week on Amazon. In ‘16 he released his second title “Shareology: Understanding Sharing to Power Human Business”.
Check out his books. - Courtney Kramer
Co-Founder, Executive Creative Director, Author & Consultant - PureMatter
Courtney Smith Kramer is a Marketing Consultant, Executive Creative Director, Strategist, Designer, and author of “21 Reasons Creativity is Like Sex: Why Everyone Can Do It, Have a Sense of Humor About It, and Use It To Make the World a Better Place” (only 9 left in stock on Amazon!), which launched in November 2016 at the #1 spot in Business Humor books on Amazon. Courtney was recently named a “Top 200 Global Influencer in Content Marketing”, earning the #17 Top spot in Agency Strategy by UK-based Onalytica.
Every person within an organization now has an opportunity to be “the voice” of their brand because of social media. So now we aren’t just being “human,” but the emergence of social over the last ten years has changed how we communicate. We now live in an environment where SHARING is powering the human economy, which is something we also dive into with Bryan and Courtney.
Honestly, these are now two of the smartest people we know, and this is a must-listen no matter what your role is in your organization.
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.17 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::

Sunday May 20, 2018
Live Streaming - Using Live Video to Amplify Your Message
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
Live video is HOT - there’s no denying it! Episode 16 was recorded LIVE on Facebook (of course), and our guests were perfect for this topic. Whether you're using live streaming in your business or not, you'll learn how and why you should be after listening to this show.
- Chris Strub with I Am Here, LLC truly is a FORCE FOR GOOD...
He's a leading voice in the millennial social good space. In 2017, Chris visited Salvation Army locations in 25 states in 38 days along the 6200-mile #FightForGoodTour, raising thousands of dollars as a national Red Kettle Ambassador. Chris is the author of '50 States, 100 Days: The Book,' about his solo, social media-powered adventure to volunteer with youth-related organizations in all 50 states in 2015. Chris has worked with Humana, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, and live-streaming app Live.me, and is the creator of the 'Livestreaming for Nonprofits' course.
- Kelly Mirabella - Stellar Media Marketing
Kelly’s a social media trainer, consultant & manager helping professionals take their social media to the next level. Kelly has concentrated her career on social media for business, teaching social networking skills and online marketing techniques to real estate agents, business owners, and other professionals. Beginning with a background in traditional marketing and customer service, Kelly recognized the benefit of social media for business long before it became the standard. She has since cultivated her current business, catering to nationwide professionals who strive to grow their own businesses with online strategies.
We explore some new opportunities with live (new stuff everyday with social media, right?!), answer questions from our viewers, and dig into the why and how of this participatory medium. If you haven’t yet included LIVE into your marketing strategy, this show will surely give you the motivation. We can all benefit from it!
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.29 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::

Sunday May 06, 2018
Using Pinterest - Drive Traffic for Your Business
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Many of us were HOT on Pinterest when it first came out. It was really easy to go down the rabbit hole of spending hours in there creating the house, wedding, whatever of our dreams!
Here’s the thing -- it’s a stellar business tool. On Episode 15 host Megan Powers, along with her co-hosts Elizabeth Glau and Jen Cole, welcome two Pinterest EXPERTS who give us SO many knowledge bombs about the platform! Pinterest is not social media, it’s a traffic-driving machine.
You’ll likely listen to this show more than once -- even we will, and we were on it! That’s how much value this episode provides about marketing your business using Pinterest.
Our guests...
- JEFF SIEH is a visual marketing consultant, specializing in Pinterest, Instagram, and video. Jeff is the owner and Creative Director at His Design, Inc. where he has worked to help clients market themselves in the best way possible using a variety of mediums for over 14 years. He is also “Head Beard” at Manly Pinterest Tips where he is the creator and host of The Manly Pinterest Tip Show. With top tips, comedy, storytelling, and just plain fun, Jeff teaches Pinterest techniques like no other. Jeff is also on the Social Team at Social Media Examiner and manages their Pinterest and Instagram as well as appearing in and producing much of their live video content. Visit www.manlypinteresttips.com where Jeff explores visual marketing with character as big as his beard.
- CARA CHACE Pinterest Marketing + Squarespace Design are her JAM. She started in social media marketing in 2011 by managing 13 million fans across 17 social media accounts for a worldwide band. Since then, she’s gone on to create hashtag campaigns for cities and their tourism boards, websites for entertainers and small businesses, and online courses to help online entrepreneurs like YOU figure out this whole digital marketing puzzle for your business.
When she’s not geeking out on Pinterest and Squarespace, she’s listening to music, reading in fuzzy slippers, or entertaining her kiddo with dance parties and doing the "funny faces" on Snapchat.
Grab your favorite note-taking tool -- you’re going to need it for all the awesomeness these experts share on this Making a Marketer episode.
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.15 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Retail Marketing - Tips & Hacks to Save Your Business Money
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Host Megan Powers welcomes this mid-month guest all the way from Sydney, Australia! Episode 14 brings special guest Salena Knight in what amounts to a “teaser” on Retail Marketing. Even better news? So much of this can be applied to other types of businesses.
Salena Knight is a retail strategist, consultant, and speaker who loves speaking about growing cash flow, sales and profits through customer experience, digital marketing, and customer attraction/retention strategies. Her passion is to help independent retailers like YOU to have a profitable retail business – without burning out. Successfully building, growing, and then selling a multi-award-winning chain of retail stores, she now focuses on empowering other retailers to build their businesses.
Salena shares her background - how she got “here” - and THIS gold:
- Cash Flow: 3 Places your business is leaking and how to fix it.
- 3 Hacks to significantly change your online store.
On this live show we had a great question from a viewer too, so Selena had a bunch of great tips. Here's the link to a retail guide she created!
Also be sure to check out her Podcast on iTunes - Bringing Business to Retail.
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.14 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Marketing Gold: Creating & Amplifying Thought Leadership
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Host Megan Powers, along with co-hosts Elizabeth Glau and Jen Cole, welcome guests Ina Yulo and Mary Ann Pierce on episode 13 to talk creation and amplification of thought leadership. Marketing is about amplifying your message, and sharing thought leadership through marketing channels is key.
Our guests...
- Ina Yulo - Senior Content Strategy Manager at BrightTALK, Ina has been listed on the Women in FinTech Power List for two years in-a-row and has spoken or moderated for conferences on Blockchain, FinTech, Payments, Women in Tech, and Marketing.
- Mary Ann Pierce - In 2017 “Meetings & Conventions Magazine” named Mary Ann Pierce, founder and CEO of MAP Digital, as one of “The Top 25 Women in the Meetings Industry,” noting: “Pierce is ahead of the curve, as the rest of the industry now embraces data capture and analytics as the next frontier.”
Data is crucial. What you do with that data is even more so! On this show we have two guests who on the surface might seem like competitors, but this collaborative conversation shows that there is room for everyone. Two very bright women address data and its place in the industry AND the continued importance of events and face-to-face communication. Using data in cooperation with these face-to-face experiences is gold.
Sit back and tune in as we make a marketer...
We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.13 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- https://bit.ly/mamITuneNEW. Get each ep. when it drops!
::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::