
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Clarity on Agency Traction & Growth with Lindsey Bowshier
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Our guest on this one is close to our host in more ways than one!
Lindsey Bowshier is president of a media company she is part owner of, and through years of being part of a growing agency, she and her team have implemented “traction” and the “Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).” She shares what that is and how her agency is using it successfully.
Her agency Tribute Media is also a HubSpot agency partner, so she shares how inbound marketing works for both her company and their clients. They’ve always had a big focus on user experience and HubSpot helps them accelerate things.
So many ideas shared through her own experience for those who own their own business or are considering it.
We also hear a bit about how they implemented a 4-day workweek!
Our guest...
Lindsey is the president of Tribute Media, an inbound marketing agency and HubSpot partner in Meridian, Idaho (Boise for those of you who just know the one city in Idaho). Tribute Media helps businesses grow online through creating a web presence that attracts visitors, converts leads, and delights customers.
Since implementing a 4-day workweek for Tribute Media at the beginning of 2022, Lindsey uses her extra time off to travel to visit family & friends, and to see as much live music as possible.
Lindsey’s book reco’s:
“Rocket Fuel” by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters
“Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business” by Gino Wickman
CliftonStrengths by Gallup
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 112 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Broadcast on Amazon Live with Chris Stone and Jim Fuhs
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
If there ever were two rockstars of live streaming on Amazon, these are the guys!
We learn how Amazon live streaming works and we discuss strategies for making it work as part of a portfolio.
Chris and Jim believe in having several streams of income. While they are fully invested in this thing that IS Amazon, they know things can change very quickly with the different platforms we use, so it's also good to diversify.
Their book recos:
- How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed: A Complete Strategy for Unstoppable Growth by Stu Heinecke
- Conviction Marketing by Kelly Roach
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 111 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Season 6 Kick-Off! - Season 5 Reunion (Pt.2)
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
As we embark on a new season - Season 6 - we re-visit with guests from the previous season. This is part two with some of our amazing guests!
We revisit their episodes and ask them one BIG question... This time the question is "What's the number one business lesson you've learned since March of 2020?"
Our guests are amazing humans (if we do say so ourselves!), and this gives you a taste of that--you will want to listen to their episodes if you haven't, and revisit them even if you've already listened.
On this one...
- Episode 101: "Turn Your Tragic Flaw into Your Super Power"
- Episode 106: "Empowering Online Authenticity"
- Episode 88: "Personal Branding Can Drive Sales (& SO Much More!)"
We hope you enjoy these conversations and that it sparks you going back to listen to their episodes if you missed any of them.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 110 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Season 6 Kick-Off! - Season 5 Reunion (Pt.1)
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
We are officially into SEASON 6, friends!
This moment isn't something we envisioned when we got going with this show in 2017, but we are so happy to be here, and that so many people are listening because they're getting value from each and every conversation.
On our reunion shows (2-parts!), we invite the previous season's guests back and revisit their episodes. We also ask them one BIG question... This time the question is "What's the number one business lesson you've learned since March of 2020?"
Their insights are so expansive and enlightening! We always get more than we bargain for with our fantastic guests.
Group 1
- Episode 90: "How to ask the right questions"
- Episode 108: "Connection through the
Human Interaction of Events"
Group 2
- Episode 96: "Develop Influence Through
Shareable Content"
...And back to 2019 he was on Ep. 44:
"Customer Experience IS Marketing"
- Episode 95: "How to Engage Positively with Press/Media"
We hope you enjoy these conversations and that it sparks you going back to listen to their episodes if you missed any of them.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 109 (1st show in season 6!) - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Connection Through the Human Interaction of Events with Chief Nation
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
On this final episode of season five(!) we take a look under the hood of the impact events can have in a different way than we have previously. Chief Nation is a UK-based agency that has made connecting people through events their mission. It turns out intimate events (both online and in person) where you have all the right people "in the room" is very effective for building relationships and driving revenue! Who knew? ;-)
Megan and Jen speak with two of the managing directors of the agency who give us insight into why the connections we make face-to-face are a pivotal part of the "digital to human" experience. We also get a little advice for agency owners and have a few laughs (standard).
This was an epic way to close out season 5! Thank you for listening and PLEASE provide any feedback or suggestions you may have via DM on our Twitter @MakeAMarketer. And season six is on the way…
Our guests...
Craig McCartney - Managing Director and Co-Owner of UK-based Chief Nation
Craig is a technology enthusiast with over 17 years of experience in the marketing, advertising, and technology industries. Part of his role as one of the three Managing Directors of Global B2B Agency Chief Nation is managing the sales and marketing side of the business across the UK, US, and EU. Another aspect of his role has him hosting events and he has spoken at hundreds of technology-focused C-suite events, at conferences and webinars, and on podcasts. On a personal level, he loves sports and plays golf regularly. He is often training for some sort of endurance activity (mainly triathlons).
Richard Porter - Managing Director and Co-Owner of UK-based Chief Nation
Richard has worked for Chief Nation since its early days and has helped it grow from a few people renting spare desks in another company’s office, to the thriving agency it is now. Richard has performed most jobs in the agency, but is now the Managing Director responsible for the company’s finances and operations. Richard is a keen jogger and enjoys walks with his dog Cecil, watching box-sets, and mixing electronic music of various genres. Richard also enjoys going to see his favourite DJs perform in venues around the world, combining his love of music and travel.
Craig's book reco: "It’s Not About How Good You Are, It’s About How Good You Want to Be" by Paul Arden
Richard's book reco: "Will it Make the Boat Go Faster" by Ben Hunt-Davis
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 108 (final show in season 5!) - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Podcast Like a Pro with Mike McAllen
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
A podcaster chats with a podcaster about podcasting! The guest on this episode is an OG.
As someone with a podcast about marketing, I actually get more questions about podcasting than about marketing! One of the very first pods I ever listened to was this guest's event industry show called Meetings Podcast. I know him because we were also industry colleagues and he shares with us how he got started, in addition to how things evolved.
Also, Mike's now more than a podcaster -- he's helping his clients develop and produce shows that are making an impact. Who better to have on to teach us about this topic?!
Our guest...
- Mike McAllen has been podcasting since 2007 and wants to give others a voice through podcasting.
His company Podcasting4Associations helps associations and companies engage with their members and listeners on their audiences' time and terms. Mike has had a varied career working as a firefighter/EMT, in corporate meetings, events, and as a media producer. He lives in Oakland California with his 2 dogs, 2 cats, his 5-year-old daughter, and beautiful wife.
Mike's Book Recos:
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber
- Make Noise: A Creator's Guide to Podcasting and Great Audio Storytelling by Eric Nuzum
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 107 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our editor Avri makes amazing music! Check out his new song "Ain't No Fool" **

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Empowering Online Authenticity with Julia Jornsay-Silverberg
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Some shows are more "soft" than others in terms of tactics our listeners will take away. This show IS one of those where we get some "softer" tactics to use in our day-to-day lives, which -- as we discuss -- also affects our professional lives.
They are intertwined!
We all need some sunshine in our lives and our guest on this one is that -- sunshine, personified. She shares why it's important to be our true selves online... hence, the "anti-highlight reel" encouragement!
You will be better for learning from JJS.
Our guest...
- Julia Jornsay-Silverberg - #AntiHighlightReel creator, brand manager at Now Marketing Group, speaker, and dance party enthusiast; she helps people show up unapologetically.
Julia is a social media enthusiast who loves to excite, inspire, and motivate people to cut through the digital clutter by being authentic and vulnerable online. She has a diverse background working for The Buffalo News, the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, and Telesco Creative Group. As the 2018 recipient of the “Emerging Alumni Award,” granted by the University at Buffalo School of Management Alumni Association, Julia has more than 10 years of experience working in digital marketing, and is known for delivering powerful presentations that leave people feeling excited and empowered.
Julia's Book Reco: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert on Audible – listen to it vs reading it, per Julia!
If you are interested in hearing more about Now Marketing Group's Social Media Week Lima, head to the event website.
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 106 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our show music is provided by our
GIFTED editor, MUSICIAN, Avri.
Check out his song, "Too Close"! **

Friday May 20, 2022
Social Media Manager & MaM Co-Host Jen Cole Becomes the Guest
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
We are always the ones interviewing, so on this one co-host Jen Cole got to be the guest!
Jen is a consummate community-builder and marketing professional. We talked about her career path, what this podcast has taught her as a professional, how it is to have the role of social media manager, and so much more.
Get to know Jen in a different way than you have before!
Her guest wish list she shared includes Tyler Anderson of Casual Fridays... and THE Jay Baer.
Our guest...
- Jen Cole
Social media manager at Greteman Group and co-owner of X-Stand Standing Desk
Jen gives brands a voice. With a background in social services, fundraising, event planning and marketing, she is a creative at heart and co-host of this podcast, hosting marketing professionals from all over the world.Her strongest passion is teaching brands how to build loyal fanbases around their brand, to build truly devoted communities. She strongly believes we need to keep the human element in our marketing strategies!
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 105 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our show music is provided by our
GIFTED editor, MUSICIAN, Avri.
Check out his song, "Too Close"! **

Saturday May 07, 2022
Evolution of Video Creation with Rob Balasabas
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
We have said it before and we will say it again - video is HOT!
Video has also gone through an evolution, and our guest on this episode has had his finger on the pulse of video strategies for a long time.
Rob Balasabas talks through where we've been and where he thinks we're going with video and some really solid strategies we should look at.
It's a fun convo - we would love to know what you think!
Our guest...
- Rob Balasabas - Head of Partnerships at Uscreen
Rob manages the Uscreen Affiliate Program, as well as Uscreen’s Influencer and Brand Partner Relationships. He’s also the host of Uscreen’s “Video Entrepreneur” Podcast where he talks to some of the top creators and industry experts about how they’ve built their businesses using videos.
Rob is a content creator at heart, he publishes tutorial videos and livestreams on his personal Youtube Channel and social profiles. He also has a personal podcast called “Coffee with Content Creators.” He runs a successful private membership called “CreatorsTV” using the Uscreen platform.
When he’s not working, Rob is a husband and a dad, loves to drink coffee, and explore new places with his family.
Rob's Book Recos:
- Undistracted by Bob Goff
- Good to Great by Jim Collins
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 104 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our show music is provided by our
GIFTED editor, MUSICIAN, Avri.
Check out his song, "Too Close"! **

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
My solo shows have been quite popular and work well with my schedule (having to schedule just me!), so this is the third and final one of those in season five.
Every Monday, with one exception since February 8th of 2021, I have posted a “Monday Musing.” These musings are typically a story that include what I see as a business lesson. Sometimes they are just about something interesting intended to get people thinking! In this episode I talk about two that have really resonated with people on social media, and I also talk about progress and recognition in the meetings and events industry after two difficult years (the meat of this "sandwich").
Optimal Confusion
Have you considered confusion can make you smarter? That it might fire-up a part of your brain that might have been dormant? This will get you thinking!
Events Progress
We are absolutely NOT where we were in 2019, nor should we be. We have had our challenges, but the progress the meetings and events industry is making AND recognition of those in it is important to talk about! There is data to support the progress--more can be learned on this episode of the Trade Show Talk Podcast - Episode 7 with Doug Emslie -- CEO of Tarsus and Kai Hattendorf -- CEO of UFI.
Awe & Wonder
You might not believe in symbolism, but you'll probably still think what happened to me was pretty cool. Do you ever just sit with yourself in the quiet? Amazing things can happen, and when they fall in line with a book you are reading? Even better! This resonated with a lot of people.
Our guest?
- Do you know me? Let's connect! Here's my latest bio...
Megan Powers is a creator and strategist who thrives on helping people learn. She has spent the majority of her career working in meetings and events, primarily serving in planning, sales, and marketing roles. Working for software companies, in a venue, in event production, and then running her own marketing agency all served as a foundation for her latest venture. She is now working for Event Marketing Partners as Senior Director, Corporate Event Marketing.
Megan has loved hosting and producing podcasts since 2016–she thrives on hearing stories and lessons from guests who get us all thinking in a different way. Her podcast Making a Marketer has been going strong since 2017, and she is delighted to be hosting Trade Show Talk for TSNN.
Megan's Book Reco (again): "Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience"
We are "Making a Marketer"... in all ways. Check out episode 103 - and please take a minute to follow, rate, & review us on your podcast platform of choice & get each ep. when it drops!
::: This episode is made possible by Powers of Marketing - emPOWERing amazing podcast experiences & online events :::
** Our show music is provided by our
GIFTED editor, MUSICIAN, Avri.
Check out his song, "Too Close"! THIS show was edited by Megan:)**